Random beauty in the corner of my pergola after a hard rain.
Cypress Tree + Ivy = Christmas Tree(And no, it was not trimmed to that shape.).
Is this heaven? Am I dead? I feel like death warmed over. I cut the grass in my yard entirely by myself for the first time -- and I can feel it. I've had a cold for a week now, but the grass didn't care. It needed to be cut. My entire body felt like cooked spaghetti the next day. You know, all flaccid and wobbly. Please note that I am unable to include in one photograph the entire area I mowed. Now my arm hurts again from patting myself on the back so hard.
I was several minutes into my carrello progetto, cart project when I had my first (and I'd like to add only) mishap and decided I should document this event with a photograph in the event I was actually able to complete it. The mishap was nothing major, I had used the wrong screws to attached the bottom shelf to the side pieces and had to unscrew all of them. For someone who isn't particulary handy you have no idea how intimidated I was when I emptied the contents of the box onto the table to begin. Everything unidentifiable except the metal baskets. I had no idea that's how you make a drawer!