Look look, I lied! But not on purpose, I promise. Since these were hidden beneath the dirt, I didn't realize my garden had actually produced more than a handful of anything. I had thrown a few small potatoes in the ground towards the end of summer as an experiment. You know, nothing ventured nothing gained sort of thinking. After a few days of rain here the ground was soft enough to put a shovel into so I did and this was my reward, buried gold! This should be enough to feed me and a mouse or maybe two!
Not enough to make wine, but enough to be proud of! I was told that last year my two young grape vines didn't produce anything. I don't know what I did correctly, but I'm very pleased. This was about the most prolific thing my garden produced this year. I don't want to say that my garden was pathetic or anything, but it was. I think the most pathetic thing was me actually. When I was purchasing vegetables plants I only bought one or two of each type because I had high hopes of a megacrop yield. You know how a single tomato or zucchini plant can be and I'm a single person household. I didn't want to grow too much. Well other than these grapes, I didn't grow enough of anything to feed a mouse. Next year, that's gonna be my uber garden year!
Will someone please tell me as an American
the last time you ordered a pizza with corn on it?.
What happened to September?? I can't believe it's almost mid-October and about two months since I last posted. Can I play the "I've been busy" card? I was having too much fun with my dear sister Sandra who was here for three weeks in September. Included in the fun, we both were ill. Can I play the "I've been busy" card AND the "I've been sick" card? I think that should take care of two months of blogging inactivity, don't you?