Thursday, June 30, 2011

Did I Mention

Did I mention that we have a new puppy? This is the dear little one when she was just two weeks old. Small, although rather large for a two week old puppy.

My first two dogs were puppies and at this stage in my life I didn't want to go through the training and terrible two's again (the first two years actually). I envisioned my next dog as being a rescue dog -- no more puppies for me! BUT a year ago at Easter I fell in love with my puppy's mother, Bessie. I actually was devising a plan to steal her, sweet and lovely as she was with Egyptian eyes. So when I heard she was having puppies, how could I resist?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Mushroom Season

It rained for two weeks and then we had intense heat. Perfect conditions for mushroom growth. Here we have a perfect porcino specimen! Grazie amore mio.

Monday, June 20, 2011

I'm Back

I've been away, sorry. I didn't actually go anywhere, I just haven't posted for months. I've been away from the computer and the internet -- or rather I should say, they've been away from me. My beloved iBook laptop died a few months ago. It was a slow death, there were signs for weeks that something wasn't right. Then one day, it went belly up. I purchased a refurbished MacBook Pro online throught Apple and had it sent to my computer guru and good friend in Santa Rosa, California for bells and whistles to be added. When it finally arrived safely in Italy as luck would have it, I was without internet connection! Of course during all this time I thought of a bazillion things I wanted to blog about but can't remember any of them now. sigh......